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Dezső Malonyay acquired the building lot at 5 Izsó Street on July 3, 1905. Béla Lajta’s drawings received official approval in September the same year.
The Metropolitan Council of Public Works launched an architectural competition to design the surroundings of the St Gellért statue (including the hillside footpaths) to be placed on the eastern slo
"Leitersdorfer Béla magyaros terveinek [...] alaprajza rendkívül mód hasonlít a Sándy-Foerkéhez. Pécsi megvett művének felülvilágítós alaprajzi elrendezése szintén a legjobbak közül való.
Lajta’s first plan that did actually become constructed was the shop of music publishers Ferenc and Mór Bárd on the ground floor of the recently extended Dreher palace at 4, Kossuth Lajos Street.
Lajta, unknown architect at the onset of his career that he was, won third prize at the competition for the plans of the synagogue of the Budapest district of Lipótváros in 1899.
, 1902|Pozsony (today Bratislava)|(together with the architect Ödön Lechner)
, around 1902|Budapest, VII. Erzsébet körút 9–11.|(together with the architect Ödön Lechner)
, 1903 (1st prize)|Budapest, X. Kozma utca.|
The first commissions Béla Lajta got from the Leitersdorfer family were for smaller jobs like conversions and extensions.
, 1903|Budapest, I. Szent György tér|(with Ödön Lechner and the sculptor József Róna)
, 1902 (2nd prize)|Budapest, Kerepesi cemetery|(with the sculptors Ede Telcs and István Tóth)