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, 1912|Budapest, V. Szabadság tér
, 1913–1916 (one of the 1st prizes)|Budapest, City Park|(together with the sculptor Fülöp Ö. Beck)
, 1916–1920|Budapest, I. Szent György tér|(together with the sculptor István Szentgyörgyi)
"A Lajta díszletein a kő és a márvány csak szimbolikusan jelzett mellékesség, mindenekfölött való pedig a felület és az árnyék, amely egy olyan elvont, szinte szublimált architektúrát létesít, amel
1911–1913 (4th prize)|Budapest, VIII. Múzeum körút|
, 1912 (1st prize)|Budapest, XII. Krisztina körút – Moszkva tér|
Elek Koronghi Lippich, head of the Department of Art of the Ministry of Public Education and Religious Affairs between 1899 and 1912 had definite views on art politics.
, 1911 |Budapest, V. Petőfi Sándor tér|
, 1908–1914|
The first significant public institution designed by Lajta was commissioned by the Jewish Congregation of Pest and financed from the foundation established by the last will of master builder